Delivery of the case solutions:

14 - 23 July, Semkovo, Rila Mountain

Delivery of the case solutions:

  1. Before the deadline (13:00,23.07.2023) you should deliver the solutions here…
  2. The solution should consist of several files (4-5 max) without subfolders, at least the following:
    • Code / workflow files which could be run on some of the required software for the summer school.
    • In the code or in additional files there should be complete explanations, visualisations and data anaysis results to solve the case.
    • List of authors.
    • a text file explaining citing delivered filenames with a sentance of description
    • the delivered filenames should strictly follow these requirements: no cyrillic or other exotic languages or symbols, no intervals, no capital letters
    • You should not delivere anything which is rendered or produced by your code - the code can produce it on its own. If you want to specifically showcase some data/chart/other, put them in the presentation file and describe it
  3. There could be more than one solution per team.
  4. Each team will be given about 15-20 minutes to present their solutions followed by Q&A session.

The cases for this year’s Summer school are:

The cases for this year’s Summer school are going to be revieled here on the second day of the programme (17:00, 15.07.2023):

1. Classifying and Analyzing Physical Activities through Heart Rate Variability and Other Physical Metrics Using Holter Monitor Data.

Case text and data… => Case solution

2. Predicting Bus Arrival Times Using Public Transportation and Weather Data.

Case text and data… => Case solution

3. Cold start modeling.

Case text and data… => Case solution