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Delivery of the case solutions:

  1. Before the 14:30 deadline you should deliver the solutions here…
  2. The solution should consist of at least the following:
    • Code / workflow files which could be run on some of the required software for the summer school
    • In the code or in additional files there should be complete explanations, visualisations and data anaysis results to solve the case
    • List of authors
  3. There could be more than one solution per team.
  4. Each team will be given about 15-20 minutes to present their solutions followed by Q&A session.

The cases for this year’s Summer school are:

  1. Cryptocurrencies Predictions & AI Trader - predict the status of the loans in the testing set, based on the training set.

Team solutions here…, video

  1. Prediction of financial distress - separate the data into random subsets for training (70%) and testing (30%)

Team solutions here…, video

  1. Predict house prices - active Kaggle compettition

Team solutions here…, video

  1. Propose optimal public policy for dealing with COVID-19 epidemic - Task 2 of the online data Covid 19 challenge, using Public policy data and daily cases data.

Team solutions here…, video